Travel Guide : Tips for Staying in Hotels

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  • 26 Sep 2023
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Travel Guide : Tips for Staying in Hotels

Sometimes, staying in hotels can give me a little anxiety. I appreciate the pampering and the independence of having my own room. Yet what follows is the burden of deciding upon which hotel to book, wondering about the security of my room, and the hotel etiquette of tipping hotel staff… So I wanted to share some essential hotel tips.

Like many travelers, I like to navigate the city quickly and easily. I don’t want to stay somewhere far outside of the city, where I have to take taxis to get into the city. Aside from convenience, I often stay out late filming and staying away from public transportation means costly dollars spent. Instead, I like to be located in the city. I like to walk out on the street and the town is right there.

What are tips for choosing your hotel?

I always check hotel reviews if I’m interested in booking a hotel. Most of my Asia travel, I book with Agoda and they’re great. Most accommodation booking websites have a place for reviews and there’s also Tripadvisor.

Having a metro station or bus stop located five minutes away is ideal to me. When I arrive after a long flight or bus ride, I just want to go straight to my hotel. The last thing I want is to be walking around the city for an hour, dragging my luggage around.

What is your security tip for entering and leaving a hotel?

Obviously, I would not book a hotel I don’t feel safe in. But let’s say I book a hotel whose security is questionable. If my room has a chain lock on the door, I’ll use that when I’m hanging out in my room or sleeping.

Do you use a doorstop ?

I take a doorstop with me for guesthouses. For most of the hotels that I’ve stayed at, I’ve not needed a doorstop.


Do you leave your stuff in your room?

Do you unpack your clothes, keep it away or toothbrush or other item so that it wouldn’t get stolen? Once the cleaners get an idea that you’re staying alone will they steal from you? Should I fake that someone else is staying with me by having an extra pair of shoes maybe men’s shoes. What if my suitcase gets stolen with all my clothes, what should I do?

Having worked in the hospitality industry for a brief stint, I know that workers are very dedicated to the work that they do and they try their best to create a good experience for people. Nobody wants to lose their job. Nobody wants to be accused of stealing.

I do leave my stuff in my room. But I will pack all my stuff away. I will not leave any valuables out. Leaving money, valuables like your computer or camera equipment out; those are things I would probably pack up in my bag or at least, cover and hide a little.

If I’m staying at guesthouses or hostels, where I feel like the doors feel a little flimsy and easy to open or the hostel locker doesn’t feel stable… I will take all my valuables with me (that includes my laptop!). I will pack it in my daypack and take that around with me sightseeing.

When I used to work in television as camera crew, I was staying on one hotel room from days to a month. I wanted my room untouched. I had a lot of expensive equipment in my room. I didn’t want anyone to tamper with anything, clean or organize. I also I didn’t want to pack everything up my belongings every day, before I left for a shoot. So I put out the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign.

Are hotel room safes safe?

I think hotel room safes are safe, but I’ve never used them. It’s personal preference. I don’t like using hotel safes, because I like to keep my things organized and in very visible sight. I don’t like to put things in spaces where it can be concealed and I can forget them, like drawers! As I said, it’s personal preference.

If I’m running late for my plane, but I forget that I’ve left stuff like my passport, in the safe… a passport is a pretty valuable thing. It means I’m definitely making a trip to go back.

What’s a good time to be off the streets?

Hard question. Personally, I don’t come back to my hotel until it’s midnight, because I’m filming . I want to make the most of my trip. I practice travel street smarts often. I don’t take anything for granted and I pay attention to my surroundings, especially if they’re foreign. But if you feel like you know the place is sketchy or you don’t feel confident traveling at night, a good time to be off the streets is 7pm-9pm. If you’re comfortable then maybe 10pm. There are other travelers, who will suggest not going out at night.

Tipping Etiquette in Hotels

I feel tipping should be personal preference, based on budget and cultural etiquette. It’s up to you how you want to set the tone of your trip. In the U.S., tips are expected . Americans believe in tipping in hotels, cafes, restaurants, deliveries, apartment doormen, a lot of places! Many of us think it’s due to the fact employers don’t pay their staff well enough and place the burden on the hotel guests to pay housecleaning their full share. It’s a social etiquette and practice that turned grossly into an expectation and horrible societal practice enforced by bad employment practices.

Generally, being American, I tip on a sliding scale depending upon the country’s dollar value. I know that house cleaning work is effort and it’s not fun to clean after piggy or dirty people. In some cases, when maids see they’re being appreciated, they give a little extra effort or leave extra toiletries. Some travelers like to leave a tip daily, whenever they request their room cleaned or some tip a lump sum at the end of their stay.


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